On this page you will find the books that I have written over the years through which I pursue my greatest goal: to make known and to promote the importance of technique, performance, subacquateness and safety from the earliest age. Furthermore, how to improve your health starting from the Breath and how to manage stress through the four thematic areas that distinguish me.
My stories and my techniques to have more control over the body and life
ROI Edizioni – April 2023
Unlike his other books, Mike Maric takes the reader on an introspective, profound journey, starting right from the Ex-Yugoslavia, his homeland, from his steps as a forensic doctor (he dealt with cadaveric identification) to his challenges in big blue.
A story that is incredible, starting from the numerous difficulties that he had to face. Maric talks about himself and exposes, through his experiences and skills, a simple, unshakeable truth: it is always possible to improve by translating what happens to us into the opportunity to take our lives in hand, even through difficult choices, mistakes and often painful travails and considered insurmountable. Between life, sport, emotions, challenges, fears and research, today he works with many champions, but what he has learned finds perfect application for all those who want to build a full, rewarding existence, regardless of their context. And it is precisely from this evolution that Maric himself, today tells how it is possible to become champions of one’s life.
Preface: Giovanni Malagò – Afterword: Alessandro Campagna | Publisher: Calzetti & Mariucci 2022
In recent decades, scientific research and technology applied to sport have made great strides, making tools and practices available to athletes who were barred from those who preceded them. The evolution of the performances themselves is bringing attention to those details that are increasingly important within a performance, often playing a decisive role. Topics that until a few years ago were neglected or in any case did not have a key role today represent the so-called “marginal gains”. Breathing and freediving techniques in the preparation of professional athletes is opening the horizons towards new training methods allowing the athletes themselves to overcome their limits. And it is precisely through this manual that the author leads to the knowledge of a targeted path through breathing in improving performance both in mental and metabolic terms: from the management of anxiety, insomnia, to concentration up to all the exercises aimed at reduction of oxygen consumption, management of breathlessness, recovery and optimization of training.
A unique manual of its kind, as interpreted in the iconographic section by athletes of the caliber of Filippo Magnini (swimming), Arianna Errigo (fencing) Matteo Aicardi (water polo) Cristina Chirichella (volleyball) Sara Cardin (Karate), Alessandro Fabian (triathlon) , Tiziano Pasquali (rugby).
The method to permanently abandon anxiety, tension and fatigue.
Foreword by: Filippo Ongaro – 1st ed. Italian Vallardi: June 2020
The consequences of chronic stress on health are known: damage to the immune system, hypertension, infertility, depression. To combat it, more and more experts agree on the benefits of a gentle, non-pharmacological approach. One of the most powerful tools to activate our self-healing ability is also the most underrated: the breath.
The book is based on 4 WELLNESS AREAS that are the basis of Maric’s method:
- BREATHNESS, breath management to regain our strength
- MINDNESS, mental work as a regeneration practice
- FOODNESS, the correct friendly nutrition of body and mind
- BEWATERNESS, physical activity, in water and on land
I will donate part of the proceeds from the sales of this book to scientific research on respiratory diseases.
Foreword by:
Marco Bianchi
– 1st ed. Italian
October 2017
Stress, Panic Attacks, Weight Problems? Breathe, you have to do more to get started better! Page after page, Mike immerses himself in a world not yet explored by the general public, offering reflection tips and practical tips that will enhance the quality of our lives in every respect. Usually we use only 50% of the respiratory potential, so learning to breathe well means improving our health, making a fundamental step in achieving psycho-physical well-being, fatigue, stress and emotional management. From sports to play, from sex to work, every performance can improve by practicing these precious secretions on breathing. Federica Pellegrini’s coach, Igor Cassina and Filippo Magnini, are ready to train!

BREASTSTROKE: the full style
Foreword by:
Domenico Fioravanti and Umberto Pelizzari
Magenes – 2 ed. Italian
Luglio 2023
The breaststroke is a style that needs a perfectly executed movement seeking the “excellence”, analyzing the problems of each individual athlete, decomposing the movement and considering the different variables. The aim of this guide, that is made of 10 chapters and 130 colour pictures, is to outline a logical path of training. Through the analysis of the athletic movement, first on the surface and then underwater, highlighting similarities and differences, it provides all the information and inspiration to improve. A work carried out with a team of specialists: an athletic trainer, a physical therapist, a swimming coach, a biomechanics expert, a mental coach, all with the ultimate goal to develop a method of approach, as well as training, which would allow the athletes to achieve their goals. The ultimate goal is the search for “clean” motion, technically sound, with excellent efficacy and efficiency, for the maximum improvement that can be achieved.

Preface by:
Federica Pellegrini and Umberto Pelizzari
Magenes – 1st ed.:
November 2014
Unique in its kind, this book contains every single thing that relates to the world of “water”, offering a complete overview of all possible experiences that a parent can encounter in the water with a child. Co-author with Mike Maric, is Ilaria Bonin (apnea instructor). It mainly deals with the way in which this liquid element can make both kids and parents grow, with the advice of great sport champions and professional experts in the field. Starting from the life of homo delfinus in the womb, to the fascinating infant massage, or even the extraordinary techniques of Watsu® for children, and passing through the principles of aquatic life, the secrets of the great champions of water sports are revealed. Of course, the wonderful sub-aquatic world is present, and we can dive in the sea with safety projects dedicated to children and teenagers. Finally, some suggestions for parents and some practical medical advice, all accompanied by greatdidactic tables.

Preface by:
Umberto Pelizzari and Filippo Magnini
Magenes – 2 ed.:
October 2023
The first book by Mike Maric (co-authors Valter Mazzei and Stefano Figini). Finally, the first and only book dedicated to the use of the monofin, this particular tool that makes us swim like a dolphin. The teaching method – Swim Like a Dolphin – is the free body preparation with the fins, and finally with the monofin to improve the “dolphin kick”. Unique in the world, this book is aimed at swimmers, finswimmers and freedivers, with the aim of improving swimming techniques in the different disciplines through the use of the monofin itself. With over 200 color photos, the many years of experience of the three authors are collected in this book.